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Posts Tagged ‘David Hasselhoff’

Thor – Samuel L Jackson is in it, but no one has told him

Posted by LiveFor on January 26, 2010

Samuel L Jackson was Nick Fury in Iron Man and the forthcoming sequel. The character is also set to appear in Captain America and The Avengers film. However, after Iron Man 2 he is set to appear in Thor and the cast lists show Samuel L Jackson.

However, when speaking to MTV he mentioned that he still hasn’t been told about when and where.

“Nobody’s told me anything,” Jackson laughed when asked about the “Thor” role. “I was reading the trades last week and I saw the cast list. My name was in it, so maybe I am doing something that I don’t know about and I’ll hear about it soon.”

Jackson confessed that he’s heard very little about the plan for his character ever since the Walt Disney Company purchased Marvel Entertainment.

“I don’t know what’s going on,” he said. “Since Disney’s bought the franchise, I have no idea what Marvel told them or even if my deal with Marvel is still valid.”

Even so, he said he’s confident that Fury can fit into the world established by Branagh’s “Thor.”

“It all depends on where they find him,” he said. “If they’re dealing with that particular timeline… Hey, they’re shooting it in Santa Fe, it’s not like they’re shooting it in Norway.”

How crazy is that. He had to read about it in the trades! Sounds to me as if it has all been set up and the different people have spoken about it and signed it off without actually giving him a call.

Imagine if his schedule wasn’t clear and he couldn’t do it. They’d have to get the Hoff in again.

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Nick Fury is David Hasselhoff

Posted by LiveFor on March 27, 2009

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