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Green Lantern – Concept art – Look it’s Abin Sur, Tomar Re and Kilowog, you lousy Poozer!

Posted by LiveFor on January 27, 2010

That is the current situation for the Martin Campbell directed adaption of the DC comic. Sinestro probably won’t be the main bad guy (like the comics he’ll start out as a Lantern) and Legion could well be one of the bad guys along with Hammond, but what about the other members of the Green Lantern Corp? Well it looks as if Cosmic Book News scored the first look at some concept art for Abin Sur (the Green Lantern who’s death leads to Hal Jordan getting the power ring), Tomar Re and my favourite, Green Lantern trainer, Kilowog.

The DC Database gives a quick background to Kilowog for those not up to speed on who he is (mind you due to the convoluted DC continuity it may mean nothing to you if you’ve never read the comics):

Bolovax Vik was one of the most crowded planets in the universe; it had 16 billion residents with a communal mind. Kilowog was a geneticicist and one of Bolovax’s most brilliant minds. After the previous Lantern, Branwill, died, Kilowog was chosen to be a member of the Green Lantern Corps. It was a great honor, but it meant leaving Bolovax and going into space on missions; this was tantamount to exile for a Bolovaxian. Nevertheless, Kilowog carried out his duties with pride. He would go on to be one of the Corps’ best recruiters and trainers.

During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Bolovax Vik was destroyed. His ring automatically protected Kilowog, but not his people. Acting quickly, he placed all 16 billion life energies into his ring. By sheer force of his will they survived until Kilowog found a suitable planet to release his people. Sadly, the planet was soon destroyed by Sinestro. Kilowog could not rescue them again. He was now alone for good

Cosmic Book News also have the story from the 2008 Green Lantern script. It makes interesting reading but as we don’t yet know whether this will be the exact script they are using there could well be major spoilers involved.

The concept art for all three looks a lot like the comic book characters which is a good thing.

Concept art is always great to see but the final look depends upon who will be working on the effects. Variety have the news that Karen Goulekas (The Day After Tomorrow) Kent Houston (The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus) and Jim Berney (I Am Legend) will be in charge of making the effects look real. Sony Pictures Imageworks will also be the lead visual effects studio on the film. They worked on Watchmen and Superman Returns. All of those films had their flaws, but in the main they had excellent special effects so Green Lantern should look splendid.

Green Lantern is due out on 17th June 2011.

The question is who will voice Kilowog, Abin Sur and Tomar Re?

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