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Posts Tagged ‘Nick Fury’

The Avengers line up as hinted by Kevin Feige

Posted by LiveFor on August 23, 2009

115_ULTIMATE_COMICS_AVENGERS_1_Carlos_PachecoThe last time Kevin Feige (the guy in charge of the Marvel films) spoke about the Avengers film he mentioned that we would see Captain America, Thor, Iron Man and Nick Fury in the film. Now, speaking to CBR, he has given some more hints as to who we may see and it is sounding more and more like it is based on Mark Millar’s take on the team in The Ultimates.

Black Widow is being introduced in “Iron Man 2” and is played by Scarlett Johansson. Will her character be a part of “The Avengers” movie or possibly be spun-off into her own feature film?

She’s signed on for all of those should we be lucky enough to have an audience that wants to see them.

How large will Nick Fury’s role be in “Iron Man 2,” “Thor,” and “Captain America?”

You know, that remains to be seen. I think [Sam Jackson’s] gone on the record as saying that he hasn’t busted into badass action mode yet. At the end of the first one, for the people who were patient enough to wait through the end credits, they met this guy named Nick Fury. They or Tony had no idea who he was. In this movie, he opens that door a little bit more for Tony and invites him to walk through it. Tony may or may not do that in this movie. But Nick Fury is the conduit through which all the characters will connect.

In that case, how important was it for you to sign Sam Jackson for all of those films?

We wanted to do it. We wanted to do it for the continuity and clearly he had inspired the Ultimate Comics incarnation of Nick Fury of the past ten years. So we were very happy when we got him involved in all of the movies.

Will the Hulk factor into “The Avengers” film at all?

I think so. In the comics, he has.

Would “The Incredible Hulk” star Edward Norton return for the Avengers movie?

I don’t know? We should ask him.

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Captain Jack as Captain America

Posted by LiveFor on July 30, 2009

The Avengers film draws ever closer and we have our Iron Man, Thor, Nick Fury, and a few others. However, there is still no news on who will play Captain America.

Worryingly Will Smith’s name keeps getting bandied about. Don’t get me wrong, I like a bit of Big Willy stylee (hmm a dodgy sentence if ever there was one!) but they should stick with the Steve Rogers set out in the comic. However, another actor, who would agree with the sentiments of my previous sentence but in a whole different way, has said they’d like to give it a go.

During the BBC “Torchwood: Children of Earth” mini-series panel at Comic-Con last weekend, actor John Barrowman revealed that he would like the chance play Captain America in The First Avenger: Captain America and The Avengers films.

“You know what I want to play? Captain America,” he said to the wildly receptive crowd, before adding that it “so won’t happen.”

Barrowman plays the fixed point in time, Captain Jack Harkness and is pretty good at it.

The question is would he make a good Cap? To be honest I think he would. He’s got the looks (my wife and mother love him as do many other men and women), he’s a bit of an unknown for the mainstream audience (only fans of TV sci-fi, musical theatre and 1980’s Saturday Morning Kids TV would know him) which would make them buy into him as the character rather than as a big name playing a part. Although Kevin Feige has said they are looking for a star with international appeal.

Of course, there would be none of the shenanigans that Captain Jack gets up to if he took on the role of Steve Rogers.

I seriously doubt that this will come to pass or that he will even make it to an audition, just one of those things that the Comic Con throws up once in a while. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if there are people working away on making vids and pics of Barrowman as Captain America right now.

Would Barrowman be a good Captain America?


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The Avengers – Which heroes will make the cut?

Posted by LiveFor on July 26, 2009

Kevin Feige,the President of Production of Marvel Studios, spoke to Collider at the San Diego Comic Con and gave a run down as to who we will be seeing in The Avengers movie.

Kevin: I think we know. It’s going to be Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Nick Fury. I think it’s safe to assume that there will be some members of the Hulk universe in the film as well. In terms of the additional, I think Black Widow for sure. SHIELD’s organization for sure. And, again, what’s exciting to me about the Avengers movie are seeing those four characters together and interact with each other. Anywhere from the first issue of the Avengers to Civil War, the dynamic between Steve Rogers and Tony Stark is awesome and fascinating. It brings out sides of the others that won’t be brought out in their own franchises. Throwing Thor into the mix is a whole other thing and I think that will be cool. So to pile in another ten or fifteen…or frankly even four…I think will be too many.

Is the Hulk in it?

Kevin: You know Zack Penn is outlining it as we speak so we’ll see.

Looks like no Wasp or Hawkeye then. What do you think of the line up?


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Lots of Marvel movie news -Iron Man 2, Bucky in Captain America, Loki in many films and more

Posted by LiveFor on June 8, 2009

Iron Man 2 director Jon Farveau recently tweeted some interesting news: “Mickey Rourke just did a marketing photo shoot. It’s the first time I saw him in full costume. I can’t wait for the images to be released.”

He later added “Scarlett, Rockwell and Paltrow all did their marketing shots. Downey is under the lights looking dapper as I tweet.”

FirstShowing where at theProducer Guild of America’s panel on Producing Marvel Movies. Marvel Entertainment producer Kevin Feige mentioned a few things about their upcoming films.

– Steve Roger’s sidekick Bucky is going to show up in The First Avenger: Captain Ame. As the majority of the film is set in World War 2 then this is to be expected. Who could play Bucky? It’s “primarily” a period piece that takes place during WWII. He said they went and looked at Raiders of the Lost Ark, which he says he “didn’t know” was a period piece when he was watching it. They want to make Captain America with the “same level of fun” as that. And in regards to director Joe Johnston, he said that this would be a little bit of The Rocketeer, lots of October Sky, and a little bit of the ship designs that Johnston did for Star Wars, alluding to how this is the perfect movie for him to direct. “It’s the movie his entire career has been leading towards.”

– Scarlett Johansson character in Iron Man 2 has “two sides,” entering the picture as an assistant to Tony Stark, but later revealed as Black Widow. Johnansson is signed up for multiple films.

Iron Man 2 is up next, then Thor, then Captain America, then The Avengers in the summer of 2012. Feige said that they’re “ordered this way for a reason.” And confirmed that Samuel Jackson (Nick Fury) and Scarlett Johansson as well as Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and Tom Hiddleston (Loki) are signed on for multiple movies or “multiple franchises,” further extending that hint that Loki will be a villain who shows up quite often. Feige kept saying often that he’d love for audiences to have the same experience that comic book readers have – where characters make surprise appearances in issues they pick up almost out of nowhere. More an more I feel that they are going to be riffing on The Ultimates storylines from the first two volumes with Loki manipulating everyone from behind the scenes. I wonder if Hiddleston will have blink and you miss them cameos in Iron Man 2?

– Marvel is planning on announcing another new movie for 2012 within the next few months. What could it be? Doubtful that it will be Ant-Man as Edgar Wright is bust on Scot Pilgrim. Maybe it will be a Nick Fury film or maybe a SubMariner one. Possibly a sequel to the Incredible Hulk film.

All in all it is all very exciting news for all comic book fans.

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Nick Fury is David Hasselhoff

Posted by LiveFor on March 27, 2009

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Good News – Sam Jackson says Nick Fury is in Iron Man 2

Posted by LiveFor on February 26, 2009

Fellow comic book geeks join with me in a collective sigh of relief. Variety have the news that the Nick Fury seen in Iron Man played by Samuel L Jackson will be back.

Samuel L. Jackson has buried the hatchet with Marvel Entertainment, making a deal to play the role of Nick Fury in “Iron Man 2,” and potentially many other films.

Jackson’s deal is a long-term commitment to play Fury, the leader of the espionage unit the Shield. His deal contains an option to play the character in nine future Marvel superhero films, efforts that are expected to include “Captain America,” “Thor,” “The Avengers” and “The Shield” as well as potential sequels.

Jackson introduced Fury in the closing moments of “Iron Man,” when the character asked Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark to join his group. Fury is a natural to show up in multiple Marvel franchises, as he crosses paths with many Marvel superheroes in the comic books.

Jackson’s Marvel future looked murky, after he reportedly expressed his displeasure with the producer-financier’s initial offer to reprise his role. Jackson was hardly alone: even though “Iron Man” grossed more than $600 million worldwide, Marvel brass has been very sparing in offers to talent like Mickey Rourke and Sam Rockwell to play villains in the sequel, sources said.

Jackson and his ICM reps have evidently cleared those dealmaking hurdles, and he will take part in the sequel that director Jon Favreau shoots in the spring, with Paramount Pictures distributing in summer 2010.

Now I wonder if they’ll be able to sort out getting Mickey Rourke back on board?

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Nick Fury is negotiating. Afro Samurai says no

Posted by LiveFor on January 28, 2009

Samuel L. Jackson, who was quoted recently saying he might not reprise the role of Nick Fury in upcoming Marvel Movies, remained tight-lipped about ongoing negotiations at the premiere of his Afro Samurai video game Tuesday in Hollywood.

Asked about the status of the talks, he simply told reporters: “Contract negotiation. … It’s like life. Nick Fury’s negotiating.”

The Los Angeles Times first reported that Jackson was not happy about the progress of talks between his representatives and Marvel Studios about bringing Jackson back as the iconic character in upcoming films, including a proposed Avengers movie.
But on Tuesday, Jackson gave no indication of ill feelings.

Jackson first appeared as Nick Fury, agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., in a post-credit cameo shot in Iron Man. Didn’t Marvel have him signed up to play the character in subsequent films ahead of time?

“No,” Jackson said.

Meanwhile, Jackson’s pet project, the animated Afro Samurai, is due for a live-action movie starring Jackson in the title role. But Jackson said he rejected the first draft he received for that film.

“We read one, didn’t work out too well but we’re still working on it,” he said.

Source: Sci-Fi Wire

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Samuel L Jackson may not be Nick Fury

Posted by LiveFor on January 14, 2009

In an interview today over at the LA Times blog Hero Complex, Samuel L Jackson has some disturbing news that all is not well at Marvel HQ, and that his role as Nick Fury may not be a sure thing.
In response to the character’s appearance in Iron Man 2, Captain America, and The Avengers, he says that the role may be recast (with a cheaper actor of course), or Fury may not appear at all. Jackson elaborates further:

I saw [‘Iron Man’ and ‘Iron Man 2’ director] Jon Favreau at the Scream Awards and we had a conversation. He said, ‘I hope things are working out for you because we’re writing stuff for you.’ Then all of a sudden last week I talked to my agents and manager and things aren’t really working that well.

There was a huge kind of negotiation that broke down. I don’t know. Maybe I won’t be Nick Fury. Maybe somebody else will be Nick Fury or maybe Nick Fury won’t be in it. There seems to be an economic crisis in the Marvel Comics world so [they’re saying to me], ‘We’re not making that deal.’

I think this will be a huge mistake on Marvel’s part if they let Jackson go. He’s a big name, his appearance as Fury at the end of Iron Man took the comic geek world by storm. Marvel have got something special going with their recent run of superhero movie world building. I really hope they don’t throw it all away.

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Iron Man 2 – Hawkeye and Black Widow are in it – Tim Robbins to play Tony Stark’s father

Posted by LiveFor on December 18, 2008

Latino Review has the news that Tony Stark’s father, Howard Stark, will be played by Tim Robbins in Iron Man 2. Jon Favreau wanted a top actor for the role as there is meant to be a big flashback in the sequel that helps set up The Avengers and Captain America films. For the Marvel films this is incredibly important to get right.

There is also the rumour that Hawkeye and Black Widow will both be in the next Iron Man film. This will help tie Iron Man further into the Marvel Universe and help the transition into the superhero world of the Avengers that much easier. Both Hawkeye and Black Widow have now powers but Hawkeye is a master marksman (mainly uses a bow) and Black Widow is female Russian spy. Both are basically superb atheletes and great characters.

It will be interesting to see if they follow The Ultimates version of the characters. I still think that is the way they will go for many of the Marvel films especially after the fact they cast Samuel L Jackson to play Nick Fury. Would be great to see the first volume of The Ultimates brought to the big screen.

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Samuel L Jackson to be Nick Fury in lots of Marvel Films

Posted by LiveFor on November 9, 2008

Actor Samuel L. Jackson is preparing for a busy 2009 – he’s aiming to feature in a whole host of movie comics after he was revealed as comic superspy Nick Fury at the end of Iron Man.

The Pulp Fiction star will play a key part in the sequel to this summer’s Marvel blockbuster – but he’s also hoping his character will appear in the forthcoming big-screen adaptations of Captain America, Thor and The Avengers.

He tells, “Should be some little piece of all of that. I should kinda pass through Iron Man 2, Captain America, Thor – all those things – and eventually get to that Avengers space, yeah.

“They sorta gave me a master plan about how they want it to work… (But) I’ll do every movie they wanna do. I’m down.”

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